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CUBE Finalists for Wirehive 100 and UK Agency Awards

CUBE has been shortlisted for the upcoming Wirehive 100 and UK Agency Awards! From our initiative to end violence against children to the personal projects during Innovation Time, here's why we've been nominated for Agency for Good and Innovative Agency of the Year.


WireHive 100 and UK Agency Awards

It’s been a while since the CUBE team brought home Agency of the Year at the UK App Awards. This year we’ve entered a few more events and categories and were recently shortlisted for two awards: Agency for Good at the Wirehive 100 Awards and Innovative Agency of the Year at the UK Agency Awards.

Wirehive 100 Awards

Agency For Good

The Wirehive 100 awards celebrate the very best in digital, recognising the most outstanding creative and technical talent that the South has to offer.

One of this year’s brand new categories is the Agency For Good award, which looks at the way agencies both define and approach ‘social good’ and are striving towards new processes and activities which have the potential to change the world for the better.

Whether it’s reducing environmental impact, working with communities in need or saving lives during disasters, the category describes itself as ‘deliberately vague’ to let agencies define ‘good’ for themselves.

Why were we nominated for the Agency For Good award?

Blood Donor: The American Red Cross:

An app that disrupted the way America gives blood by letting users track their donations to the hospitals it’s being used in.

With over one million downloads and reaching the #1 spot for medical apps in the App Store, donations received so far have raised over $90 million for the charity and saved over 600,000 lives through operations.

Plan Z: Ending Violence Against Children

We’ve brought together a number of global charities including World Vision, Plan International, Save The Children and Terre Des Hommes. Who have all agreed to help us in our initiative to empower children by creating physical and digital platforms that facilitate their ideas, teach them new skills and incubate projects with the support of the charities.

With the recent pilot having been a huge success in Romania, the initiative is set to roll out in Africa later this year. If there is one thing we can try to do with Tech For Good, it’s ending child abuse.

UK Agency Awards

Innovative Agency of the Year

The UK Agency Awards celebrate exceptional teams, campaigns and initiatives in the UK digital sector. The Innovative Agency of the Year will be awarded to the agency that has shown the most commitment to innovation.

From implementing new technologies to developing team skills and taking on new and ambitious projects, the award category is set to highlight what UK agencies bring to the table when it comes to using new innovations on a global scale.

The awards will celebrate exceptional agencies, campaigns and talent in 26 categories... open to all creative, design, digital, marketing, advertising, media and public relations agencies that are based in the UK.

UK Agency Awards

Why were we nominated for Innovative Agency of the Year?

Innovation Time: exploring the tech of the future

Dedicating 15% of our time to innovation projects gives the team freedom to work on and explore ideas that don’t always align with what we know we can do. Our weekly, week-long innovation projects provide individuals with the opportunity to focus on solving problems they’re passionate about.

One of our developers built an AR game, while others have created dashboards, apps, wireframing kits and a bunch of other prototypes or products that they believe can improve people’s lives.

SIMI: The object recognition app for the visually impaired

Recently during Android Developer Nikos’s Innovation Time, we used computer vision to create an app for the visually impaired. Not only can it detect and recognise what it sees through the lens of the phone camera, but it also features speech recognition to facilitate the use of the app for people with sight loss. 

Pip: The chatbot for Slack

Recently during Frontend Developer Kev’s Innovation Time, we used AI to automate internal communications, using a chatbot based on our brand mascot Pip to solve a couple of problems, from explaining development jargon and terminology to checking meeting room availability and onboarding new team members.

The chatbot integrates with Slack so our team can talk to Pip on a platform we already use daily. With a little added sass, Pip recognises when you’re being rude or nice and can even respond in the same manner.

Fancy joining an Innovative Agency for Good? 

Check out our current roles.

Keep an eye out for @3SIDEDCUBE at the awards ceremony, the competition looks tough this year, but we’ll keep out fingers crossed!

Published on August 23, 2018, last updated on December 11, 2018

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