First things first, Apple Watch Apps aren’t really apps, they’re more like extensions. There are two styles that an extension can be: Hierarchical or Page-Based. Read on to find out exactly what the hell they are.
You cannot mix app styles. I repeat, you cannot mix app styles. You choose one or the other. Cool? Let’s move on.
On an iPhone, an app can be anything. Don’t expect that on the Watch. You’re strapped on what you can do (applause for the pun), but let’s look at what those things are.
Without even knowing it, you’ll be pretty familiar with the Hierarchical app style. It’s super similar to standard iOS apps – but what are you actually familiar with?
People are likely to spend more time in a hierarchical app, and will most likely be browsing or performing a specific action.
This one you won’t be as familiar with, although, some iOS apps use something similar to this – I’m looking at you, Nike Fuel! Let’s look at what a page-based style actually is:
People will expect to get quick and glanceable information from a page-based app.
Choosing the style you’re going for is a big step, this will define everything about your app. The design, the flow and how the user uses it. Go forth and get deciding!
Published on January 21, 2015, last updated on April 9, 2019